Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Final Beast Blog Post

After some awesome months here at this blog, I've decided to call it quits on this one. I'll still be doing the daily training and practice updates at www.brettstrainingblog.blogspot.com and the fitness updates at www.brettsalphacrew.blogspot.com so feel free to check out those. Also, feel free to look up the you tube channel under my name, Brett Stepan. Thanks everyone for your support and I'll look forward to talking with you all on the other blogs. Stay strong and awesome.


Thursday, April 23, 2015

A different view of the l-sit to handstand to l-sit

Here's the final rep (rep 3) of the final se (set 5) of the l-sit to handstand to l-sit on the parallets. A little shaky, not as crisp, but not bad. Filmed it from a different angle today.

Amazing back movement

One of my favorite back movements. From Tuesday night's training. It's a combination front lever pull (straight arm lat pull) and pull up. Great for the entire back. Awesome to do after a hard rings practice and hitting 100 pull ups in the morning, then starting out the evening with these. Nailed 4 sets, this is the final one, then hit 4 sets of 1-arm rows, 3 sets of isometric shrugs, and some good midsection work. An awesome training day.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Racing to 100

Love this method of training. After hitting some awesome sets of deadlifts it was squat time. Loaded the bar to 365 pounds and the goal was to hit 100 reps in 10 sets of 10 or less. I managed to nail it in 6 sets of 15 and 1 set of 10. Felt hard but good. Finished off with 3 super sets of weighted lunges and 1-leg leg curls. Of course, my wonderful bride nailed her squats in 4 sets of 20, 1 set of 15 and 1 set of 5. Totally humbled. Here's the final set of squats


Hope you like it!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Moving the German 50's to 75's

Hitting my 5 sets of German 50 push ups today and decided to turn them into the German 75 for each set. So, here is the 5th and final set of German 75 push ups.

Day 15 of the 30 day pull up challenge

I'm on day 15 of my 30 day challenge to perform at least 100 pull ups a day no matter what. Here'smy final set of v-sit pull ups on the rings to make my 100 for the day. Not the prettiest, but not bad for being at the end of the morning practice, lol.

Back of wrist push ups

A lot of people have asked me about these. I've mentioned it a lot of times in posts that I hit 5 sets of "back of wrist" push ups during my morning practice; and most people don't know what they are. They're a great way to strengthen the wrists and work a compensatory movement to all the normal push up and hand stand wrist positions. Here's a quick set of 10.